Shipping and delivery

Processing and delivery times

When you place your order, it will be processed within the next business day. 

Shipping times vary according to your address and the shipping method selected.

Orders are shipped from our warehouse in Quebec and are generally delivered within the following time frames:

  • QC: 2-5 business days
  • ON, MB: 3-7 business days
  • NB, NS, PE, NL: 4-8 working days
  • BC, AB, SA: 6-9 working days

    Shipping costs

    We offer free shipping on all orders over $99 delivered within Canada. For orders over $50, shipping is $4.99.

    Your order may be subject to additional fees if you entered the wrong shipping address and your order has already been shipped when you report the error.

    Fees can be added if:

    1. Our carrier charges us for re-routing packages;
    2. The package has been returned to our warehouse and must be reshipped to the correct address with a new shipping label.

    Shipment tracking

    A tracking number will be automatically sent to you by email once your order is processed, so that you can follow the progress of your package.

    Shipping partners

    Orders are shipped through Canada Post within Canada and USPS within the US. 

    Payment methods

    We accept the following payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, ShopPay, Apple Pay and Google Pay.